Submission Guidelines
A complete submission to the 2025 Biomimicry Youth Design Challenge includes five elements.
Please Note: All items, with the exception of the Project Portfolio, may be displayed publicly in a gallery of submissions if your team is selected as a winner or receives an honorable mention.
The Project Overview consists of three questions. Your team’s answers to these questions will be the first thing judges will read about the project, so make sure they are concise and complete. Each response has a 100 word limit.
1. What is the problem your team solved for this challenge?
What is the problem addressed?
How is the problem connected to the selected SDG?
2. How was the solution inspired by nature?
What (at least two) organisms did you learn from?
How effectively did you combine the biological strategies for the final design?
3. What does your design solution do?How does it solve or mitigate the problem you selected?
How did nature inform your design?
The Video Pitch should provide an engaging overview of the design project and convince the judges that the idea has merit. Be sure the video includes an explanation of the specific problem the innovation solves, how it is inspired by nature, and key discoveries or insights from the design process. This Video Pitch Tips resource provides additional suggestions and resources that can help you create a compelling video.
Video Requirements:
Not to exceed 2 minutes in length.
Uploaded to YouTube. (You will enter the video link on the submission form.)
Include credits for all images, video clips, and music used that are not your own creation.
The Project Portfolio is a document or presentation that combines narrative and images to tell the story of your team’s biomimicry design and process for developing it. The portfolio should illustrate how your team approached selecting a specific climate-related problem, how you researched biological models, and how you developed the bio-inspired design solution, including testing ideas and getting feedback from others. The following steps document will help your students prepare an effective portfolio.
Portfolio Requirements:
This must be uploaded as a PDF for submission to YDC.
Slide 1: Title Page: Project Name, Coach Name, Team Members, School/Organization, Grade Level, and Project Photos (may be a sketch)
Slide 2: Meet the Team: Team Photo (with coach, if possible), Names, Ages, and General Information
Slide 3: Project Abstract: Problem and SDG Addressed, Biological Models used a Mentors, Criteria and Constraints Listed (summary of the project in 75 words or less)
Slide 4: Innovate: Problem is defined with a proposed solution that defines who needs the design, what is needed in the design, and why the design is needed
Slide 5: Inspiration/Match: The biological models that were used for the design, including the abstracted design strategy
Slides 6 & 7: Iterations/Process: The process of developing the designs along the way. Show all of the "design failures" that have occurred. Annotate the models to show the strengths and limitations of the designs.
Slide 8: Final Project Image: Image with labels of design features, include how the 3 essential elements of biomimicry were used in the design
Slides 9 & 10: References & Works Cited: For all sources, image credits and experts consulted. Include any AskNature pages used (If image credits are provided with captions, there is no need to provide additional citations in the references list).
The project image is a drawing, diagram, or photograph that clearly portrays your team's design solution. This image will be the first visual representation judges encounter for the project, so make sure it is clear and compelling.
Image Requirements:
JPG or PNG File Format
No smaller than 1500x1000px
Include an image caption (entered separately in the submission form, not on the image itself).
An image depicting all team members and (optionally) their coach(es). If you are unable to take a photo together, a collaged or other creative image is acceptable.
Image Requirements:
JPG File Format
No smaller than 600x400px