Essential Resources
If you’re using the MIMIC curriculum but don’t intend to submit student projects, access the curriculum here.
For those planning to submit team projects to the 2025 Biomimicry Youth Design Challenge, you can access the complete challenge curriculum here.
Learn all about the Biomimicry Youth Design Challenge and what is required to take part in the competition.
Challenge Resources
A brief activity to help students decide which SDG to focus on and consider what their solution must accomplish.
A printable, handout version of the Youth Design Challenge Design Brief.
An overview of the MIMIC Instructional Storyline, a five-part structure upon which the BYDC’s 22-lesson curriculum is built.
Detailed information and tips for preparing an entry to the competition.
The rubric used to evaluate competition entries and select award winners.
Additional Resources
General tips and resources for introducing students to biomimicry.
Climate change facts, teaching materials, and resources.
Training + Support
The Biomimicry Institute wants every team and coach to succeed. To support you in your biomimicry journey, we can provide training and support opportunities.
Recordings from past training webinars offered to support educators in guiding their students through the Biomimicry Youth Design Challenge.